Environmental hazard conference 2022| Environmental Meet, Specific world Congress 2022, climate change and Environmental health Conference, Dublin, Ireland Climate Conference 2022

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Previous Speakers

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Dave White

Chemical Engineer Climate Change Truth Inc, USA

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Orsolya Bajer-Molnár

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Austria

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Davide Forcellini

University of Auckland, San Marino

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Hakki Baltaci

Gebze Technical University, Institute of Earth and Marine Sciences, Turkey

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Delmaria Richards

University of Tsukuba Japan

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Mirko Hänel

University of Applied Science Germany

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Chirag Bhimani

Sustainability and Climate Change Expert India

World Congress on Climate change and Environmental Health Conference 2022, Environmental health, Dublin, Ireland, Specific Climate change 2023

Areej A. Al-Khalaf

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University Saudi Arabia

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Climate Summit 2023

About Conference

Welcome to the  World Congress on Climate Change and Environmental Health, is going to be held on June 20-21, 2023. CLIMATE SUMMIT 2023 is being organized in collaboration with the Experts Opinion on Environmental Biology, which will publish all conference abstracts.

The Journal Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology (EOEB) promotes rigorous research that makes a significant contribution in advancing knowledge about the natural world. EOEB includes all major themes pertaining to Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental health, Environmental science, Toxicology, Forestry and related fields.

"Recent Innovations and upcoming trends in Climate change for a Healthy Environment" is the conference's theme. Attendees and participants will be able to learn extremes thanks to scientific tracks created just for this conference.

The significance and scope of this project are as follows:

Climate change and Environmental health have contributed in the growth of various fields of research and technology, as well as made substantial contributions to the economy.

Climate change and Environmental health have not only benefited in the growth of numerous fields of research and technology, but they have also contributed significantly to the improvement of human life quality. All of this is feasible because to a slew of discoveries and inventions that have resulted in a slew of new uses. The Climate Summit conference's major purpose is to allow attendees to network, discuss, and exchange fresh ideas in the areas of climate change and environmental health.

Why should you go to the Climate Summit in 2023?

Climate Summit 2023 will focus on the most recent and interesting developments in all fields of Climate Change and environmental Health, providing a unique chance for researchers from all over the world to interact, network, and learn about new challenges. Workshops, symposiums, and special keynote sessions led by distinguished and recognized speakers are part of this conference. This conference also invites young people to participate actively.

Target Audience:

  • Climate Change Researchers, Scientists, Faculties, Students
  • Environmental Science Associations and Societies
  • Medical schools
  • Climatology Companies and Industries
  • Natural disaster finding Devices Manufacturing Companies
  • Laboratory Technicians
  • Business Entrepreneurs and Industrialists

Sessions and Tracks


The Environment is a collection of physical, chemical, and biological components that interact with an organism or an ecological community to determine its form and survival. The environment is the surroundings in which we live – it includes both the biotic and abiotic factors around us. We live in an environment, which may be a natural, social, or built environment. These are the surrounding conditions in which humans, plants, and animals live. Every individual existing in the environment has an impact on it because the environment also influences an individual's behavior. Thus, it can be clearly stated that individuals and the environment are related and are complementary to each other. The existence of the environment is significant because not only human life but any living being cannot survive without it. It provides natural beauty, maintains the balance of life, supports the food chain, and benefits living lives and their various activities.

A number of articles are concerned with the ecology on the planet. The major components of the physical environment are discussed in the articles atmosphere, climate, continental landform, hydrosphere, and ocean.

Consider the following as an example of Environmental Change :

• There is a scarcity of water.

• The temperature is rising.

• The rate of global warming is increasing.

• A disruption in the food chain.

• Changes in weather patterns.

• Deforestation and wildlife extinction.

• CO2 levels in the atmosphere are rising.

• A decrease in rainfall or a shift in rainfall patterns.



Environmental epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology concerned with defining how environmental exposures impact human health. This field pursues to understand how various external risk factors may prompt to or protect against disease, illness, injury, evolving defects, or death. Epidemiological investigations can be grouped into four broad categories: Observational epidemiology, experimental epidemiology, natural experiments, and Theoretical epidemiology. Several types study designs and measures of relationship are used in these investigations.

Environmental epidemiology is one of the most important tools used in environmental administration decision making due to its capacity to measure and monitor environmental threats in different settings and measure their health impact on lives at risk.

Uses of Environmental Epidemology

For community diagnosis of the presence, nature and distribution of health and disease among the population, and the dimensions of these in incidence, prevalence, and mortality; taking into account that society is changing and health problems are changing. To study the workings of health services.

These consist of air pollution, depletion of ozone layer, pollution of drinking water supplies, damping of hazardous wastes, electromagnetic radiation, and agricultural practices that have hostile environmental effects.



Environmental technology is also known as 'green' or 'clean' technology and denotes to the progress of new technologies which target to protect, monitor or decrease the harmful impact on environment and the consumption of resources. Prominent examples include solar and wind energy, water desalination (the removal of salt or other minerals from saline water), electric vehicles, and pyrolysis (thermochemical decomposition of organic material).

Despite the negative impact of technology on environment, a recent rise in global concern for climate change has led to the development of new environmental technology aiming to help solve some of the biggest environmental concerns that we face as a society through a shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.

3 ways technologies are helping us save the environment :

Environmental monitoring

A important part of environmental technology is environmental monitoring, which is the developments and activities performed in demand to monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental monitoring has occurred as a crucial component of governmental and private organisation strategies across the globe.

Importance of environmental technology

Technology triggered several ecological and social problems, but it is also  vital to lecture to globally friendly degradation, climate change, food scarcity, waste management, and other insistent global challenges.



Environmental toxicology  is concerned with the assessment of toxic constituents in the environment. There are many sources of environmental toxicity that can lead to the presence of toxicants in our food, water and air. These sources include organic and inorganic pollutants, pesticides and biological agents, all of which can have harmful effects on living organisms. There can be so called point sources of pollution, for instance the drains from a specific factory, but also non-point sources (diffuse sources) like the rubber from car tires that contain numerous chemicals and heavy metals that are spread in the environment.

Toxins affect the environment and organisms in a variety of ways, from having little negative impact on certain abiotic factors or resistant organisms to killing animals and destroying major components of ecosystems. The extent of damage depends on the type and structure of the toxic substance; the age, the size, and the species of the organism; and the temperature and the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment (whether terrestrial or aquatic). Knowledge of how these factors interact is critical to understanding how best to prevent or reduce exposure or remove a toxin from the environment (environmental remediation).

Importance of environmental toxicology

Environmental toxicology study has been providing tools and systematic evidence to policy-makers and the public in preventing significantly greater environmental degradation, including hostile human health impacts.

Assessment and monitoring of toxic substances

Toxins affect the environment and organisms in various forms having slight negative effect on certain abiotic factors and abolishing major components of ecosystems. The level of damage depends on the type and structure of the toxic substance.



Environmental Health is the division of public health alarmed with all features of the natural and constructed environment troubling human health. Environmental health is the science and practice of preventing human injury and illness and promoting well-being by

  • identifying and evaluating environmental sources and hazardous agents and
  • limiting exposures to hazardous physical, chemical, and biological agents in air, water, soil, food, and other environmental media or settings that may adversely affect human health.

Disciplines: Five uncomplicated disciplines usually contribute to the field of environmental health: environmental epidemiology, toxicology, exposure science, environmental engineering, and environmental law.


In order to  understand the field of environmental health, you need to understand seven core concepts: Noxiousness, Contact, Dose/Response, Distinct Vulnerability, Risks & Benefits, Environmental Justice, and Unrestricted Resources & Action.

Environmental health issues

A number of specific environmental issues can inhibit human health and wellness. These miseries include chemical adulteration, air pollution, climate change, disease-causing microorganisms, lack of access to well-being care, poor organization, and poor water quality.



Climate change refers to long-term alterations in temperatures and weather patterns. These alterations may be natural, such as through dissimilarities in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, predominantly due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Climate change could affect our society through impacts on a number of different social, cultural, and natural resources. For example, climate change could affect human health, infrastructure, and transportation systems, as well as energy, food, and water supplies. Climate change may especially impact people who live in areas that are vulnerable to coastal storms, drought, and sea level rise or people who live in poverty, older adults, and immigrant communities.

Impact of climate change on the environment

Climate change may toughen erosion, failing in organic matter, salinization, loss of soil biodiversity, landslides, desertification and flooding. The result of climate change is mainly connected to changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, increased temperatures and changing precipitation patterns.

Climate change solutions



Global environmental challenges, such as impacts of climate change, loss of biodiversity, over-use of natural resources and environmental and health issues, are unfavorably linked to issues of poverty and the sustainability of ecologies, and thus the concerns of resource security and political steadiness.

The most serious environmental problems of the twenty-first century have the potential to alter the course of life on this planet. Global warming, toxic waste, water and air pollution, acid rain, and shrinking energy supplies are frightening challenges that may threaten our future if we do not face up to them.

Major environmental problems



Pollution is defined as the presence of garbage in the atmosphere as a result of human activity. Pollution has a negative impact on the environment. If pollution is not regulated, animals, fish, and other aquatic life, plants, and humans all suffer. Environmental pollution is one of the most basic concerns that the world is dealing with currently, and it is growing with each passing year, causing terrible and irreversible harm to the globe. Pollutants in the air and greenhouse gases contribute to global climate change in some circumstances. Marine pollution occurs when many sorts of trash, such as chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural, and household garbage, noise, or the spread of invasive creatures, are dumped into the ocean. The release of greenhouse gases causes the water to warm and the marine environment to become unfriendly, harming the marine system and marine life.



Human impacts on the environment in many ways: overpopulation, contamination, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Modifications like these have introduced climate change, soil erosion, deprived air quality, and undrinkable water. These hostile impacts can affect human behavior and can speedy mass migrations over sanitary water.  Human activity has had an effect on the environment for thousands of years, from the time of our very earliest ancestors. Since Homo sapiens first walked the earth, we have been modifying the environment around us through agriculture, travel and eventually through urbanization and commercial networks. At this point in earth’s physical history, our impact on the environment is so substantial that scientists believe “pristine nature,” or ecosystems untouched by human intervention, no longer exist

Reduce negative impact on the environment

By using public transport, cycle or walk instead of using a car. Use facilities and trips run by resident people whenever possible. Don't be desirous to touch wildlife and disrupt habitats whether on terrestrial, at the shore or under aquatic.



Climatology is the study of the atmosphere and weather circumstances  over time. This field of science emphases on recording and examining weather patterns throughout the world and understanding the atmospheric situations that cause them.

Climatologists can work in academic and research institutions as well as government, public or private agencies, and nonprofits. Climatologists can also take on a consulting role, working for engineering and environmental consulting firms.

Climate classification

The most widely used classification, the Koppen climate classification, was established in the late nineteenth era and is based on vegetation. It uses monthly hotness and sleet data.

Example for Cimatology :

Climatologists look at natural changes in air and ocean currents like El Niño and La Niña, which are phases in a fluctuating cycle of air and ocean temperature over the Pacific Ocean. The oscillation between the warm El Niño and the cold La Niña phases affect climates around the world.



Humans are increasingly impelling the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming cattle. This enhances huge amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Effects of climate change and global warming

  • Rising maximum temperatures.
  • Rising minimum temperatures.
  • Rising sea levels.
  • Higher ocean temperatures.
  • An increase in heavy drizzle (heavy rain and hail)
  • Shrinking glaciers.
  • Thawing permafrost.



Climate change is altering ecosystems on a massive scale and at a breakneck speed. As a species' response to its environment evolves, so do its interactions with the physical world and the organisms that surround it. Climate change is occurring on a global scale, yet the ecological consequences are frequently local and vary by location. Living creatures are inextricably linked to their physical environment. Even minor changes in the environment, such as air temperature, soil moisture, or water salinity, can have huge consequences. Such changes have an impact on all species. The most major sorts of ecological impacts of climate change are shifts in species distributions and shifts in phenology.

• Agroecology

• Forest ecology and biodiversity



Climate risk refers to risk assessments based on appropriate investigation of the significances, possibilities and responses to the impacts of climate change and how social constraints shape adaptation options. The predicted impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly visible. Environment and climate-related risks—including extreme weather events, water scarcity and the failure to adapt and mitigate climate change-are among the top risks the world faces. Policymakers, researchers and the public increasingly recognize the need to address climate-related security risks through cooperation and dialogue.

Types of climate change risks

Climate change risk management



Global warming is a steady increase in the earth's temperature usually due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased intensities of carbon dioxideCFCs, and other impurities. Modern global warming is caused by humans. The burning of fossil fuels has released greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap warmth from the sun and drive up surface and air temperatures. Global warming is a synonym for climate change, though "climate change" has become the preferred term among scientists.


Causes of global warming



Climate change is mostly a long-term problem. It's happening right now, and it's causing problems for policymakers trying to influence the future. Sustainability is no longer merely a buzzword. It's a method for generating holistic and triple-bottom-line growth that's well-organized. Other proven tangible and intangible benefits of sustainability include a positive impact on employee morale, an organization being recognized as an employer of choice, supply chains being motivated to adopt leading practices, and consumers being educated on the importance of responsible behaviour, in addition to risk identification and mitigation and a significant improvement in the efficiency of processes and systems for resource optimization.



A world where poverty and imbalance are pervasive will inevitably be vulnerable to natural and other disasters. Feasible progress necessitates addressing everyone's basic necessities and bending over backwards to meet their wishes for a better life. Regenerative agriculture, unlike organic agriculture, focuses on long-term sustainability. Regenerative agriculture can help to counteract global climate change by reviving ecosystemsenhancing biodiversity, and recovering soils that have been degraded by industrial farming by working with nature.



Mitigation means making the effects of climate change less severe by escaping or decreasing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere.

Adaptation - adjusting life in a altering climate – involves adjusting to actual or expected future climate. The goal is to reduce our susceptibility to the harmful effects of climate change. It also encompasses making the most of any potential favorable opportunities associated with climate change.



Green nanotechnology is the improvement of clean technologies, "to lessen possible environmental and human health threats associated with the manufacture and use of nanotechnology products, and to boost replacement of present products with fresh nano-products that are extra environmentally friendly throughout their lifecycle.

Goals of green nanotechnology

It has two objectives: producing nano components and products without abolishing the environment or human health, and producing nano-products that provide solutions to eco-friendly complications.



Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and sequestration (CCS) is a set of technologies that can significantly decrease CO2 emissions from new and prevailing coal and gas-fired power plants and large industrialized sources.

It could play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while permitting low-carbon electricity generation from power plants.



Renewable energy sources are energy sources that are always being replaced. They can never be exhausted.

Because renewable energy sources such as solar and wind do not radiate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that subsidize to global warming.

There are five major renewable energy sources

  • Solar energy from the sun.
  • Geothermal energy from heat inside the earth.
  • Wind energy.
  • Biomass from plants.
  • Hydropower from flowing water.



Climate refugees is meant for increasing large-scale migration and cross-border mass movements of people that were partly caused by such weather-related disasters.

Climate Refugees was made to know what guides our work is the utmost significance of educating and building awareness around climate displacement.

Climate refugees are the people who leave their homes and communities because the effects of climate change and global warming. Climate refugees also known by dozens of other names, including environmental refugees, Eco-migrants, environmental migrants and environmental displaces. Climate refugees belong to a large group of immigrants known as environmental refugees. Environmental refugees include immigrants forced to leave because of natural disasters such as tsunamis and volcanoes. Environmental refugees are a particularly difficult problem for governments and policy-makers to cope with due to the variety of natural disasters that can have dramatic impacts on the forced migration of people.

  • Climate change feedback
  • Climate models



Market Analysis

Environmental Analysis is an interdisciplinary programme that focuses on the interaction of human and non-human biosphere components. Understanding and fixing environmental problems requires approaches from the social sciences, arts and humanities, and natural sciences. As precipitation patterns change in duration, frequency, and location, climate change can have a considerable impact on water systems and essential infrastructure. GSI creates tools and methodologies for evaluating the effects of global climate change on surface and groundwater resources, as well as dam operations. Assessing accelerated erosion due to flooding from extreme rainfall events and water system resilience for an outsized metropolitan area under changing rainfall patterns are two projects that have been completed. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the principal cause of inter-annual climate fluctuation in Southeast Asia. Climate variability is very strongly linked to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).

Seasonal forecasting is becoming more widely recognised as a tool for medium-term planning and model studies of changes in climatic variability on a decadal scale. In order to undertake assessments, such forecasting algorithms require historical climate data. To recognise climatic variability and its implications, RIMES conducts extensive rainfall study throughout Asia and Africa using data from multiple sources such as TRMM, GPCP, NCDC, and National Meteorology Departments. The goal of this line of work is to figure out how and why climate changes. It entails creating modelling capabilities to predict how the climate will change in the future, as well as climate projections for study and long-term planning.

"With current global CO2 emission rates of 35 to 40 billion metric tonnes per year, we may see our first glimpses of ice-free Septembers within the next 20 to 25 years, once we've contributed another 800 billion metric tonnes to the atmosphere," Scientific American writes. "However, it does not end there. With more CO2 in the atmosphere, other months of the year will become ice-free. For example, if another 1,800 billion metric tonnes of CO2 is released into the atmosphere, the Arctic will likely be devoid of ice from July to October."

This judgement comes from a piece of writing that admits that "observed ice loss is usually happening quicker than climate models have anticipated."

Gases that cause global warming

Climate change could be the result of complex interactions between greenhouse gases (GHG), the ocean, land, ice, and clouds. To anticipate the longer-term climate, large global climate change models use numerous computers and solve several equations. Simple polynomials to partial differential equations are examples of equations. Because of the land and ocean's absorbing mechanisms, greenhouse gas emissions can have a quick impact on the climate. The IPCC has produced reports on how greenhouse gas emissions may alter the troposphere's normal temperature, and the predictions show that by the end of the century, temperatures will have risen by 0.8 to 5 degrees Celsius. In this work, I use rectilinear regression (LM), quadratic regression (QR), and Gaussian Process regression (GPR) on monthly GHG data spanning multiple years to infer temperature anomalies.

Benefits of Participation

Benefits of Participation for Speaker

  • Worldwide appreciation of the profile of Researchers.
  • Obtain credits for professional growth.
  • Explore the latest of cutting edge analysis.
  • Make long-term bonds at social and networking activities.
  • An ability to advertise one page in the distribution of abstract books and flyers that ultimately gets 1 million views and adds great value to your research profile.
  • Learn a transition beyond your area of interest to learn more about new subjects and studies away from your core subject of Climatology.
  • We have distinctive networking, learning and enjoyable integration into a single package.

Benefits of Participation for Delegate

  • Professional Development-Improve understanding and knowledge.
  • Attendance at webinars supports, rejuvenates and energises delegates.
  • Your involvement in our Conference will help with a new methodology and ideology that can be used to broaden the outcomes of businesses or industries.
  • Opportunities for Climate Summit researchers and experts in the same field to meet and exchange new ideas through an conference

Benefit of Participation for Sponsor

  • Exposure to the international environment would increase the possibility of new companies.
  • Opportunity to demonstrate your company's latest technologies, new products, or service your business to a wide range of  international participants.
  • Increase business by our Conference  participants through lead generation.
  • It takes a lot of time, effort and drive to create a successful company, so it's always nice to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from individuals who share a common drive and  objective.
  • Conference in climatology provide opportunities for more attention and contemplation that could help you move your company to the next stage.
  • Benchmarking main organization plans and moving it forward.
  • Get feedback from trustworthy people at our conference to your company questions and challenges.
  • On our Conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing content, the advertising logo of your company.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • Nobody has this massive visitors to Climatology in the World, this is the best forum to highlight society.
  • Creating long-lasting peer relationships.
  • In our Conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material, promotional content and your Organization logo will increase your number of subscribers/members by 40%.
  • The exposure of our event to your Company listing in the Global Business forum will have a great effect on your association.
  • Your representatives can network to update their knowledge and understanding of your organisation and services with key Conference delegates.
  • Climatology advertising materials such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, services that will be circulated to hospitals, universities, society and researchers will be integrated with information.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 20-21, 2023

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